In the Beginning:  Science and Genesis 1-11

Class Twelve - Layer Formation, Geologic Column, The Fossil Record

Here we see the destruction of all life by the Great Flood.  As we’ve discussed, the denial of the global flood by evolutionists leads to numerous problems with their theory, from the uniformitarian basis of the theory to the errors in radiometric dating methods to the supposed missing links in PP

Darwin’s supposed tree of life. 

Before we look at the fossil record itself, we need to revise our understanding of how the layers the fossils are found in were formed.  We’ll do that with two video segments (Evolution:  Fact or Fiction – 16 min. layer segment and The Young Age of the Earth – 10 min Gentry layer segment). 

I’ll stop between the videos for a discussion of the first one regarding layer formation.

Here we have seen that the layer a fossil is found in has nothing to do with its age. 

We’ve also seen the supposed PP


geologic column, which was invented in the early 1800s, collapsed from millions of years to a few thousand.  Now we need to view the fossils contained in those layers.  Before we leave our discussion of the formation of layers, we need to briefly visit bioturbation.

Notice the PP




sharp line between these layers.  Each layer is supposed to lie there for millions of years before being covered by the next layer.  Yet PP bioturbation, the activity of biological or marine organisms and plants, would eliminate any evidence of the break between layers as they churned the matter, obliterating the line we see here.

As we move to fossils, it is appropriate here to remember the statement of  Pierre-Paul Grasse, who held the prestigious Chair of Evolution at the Sorbonne for thirty years, stated:  PP




“Naturalists must remember that the process of evolution is revealed only through fossil forms.  A knowledge of paleontology is, therefore, a prerequisite; only paleontology can provide them with the evidence and reveal its course or mechanisms.” 

In concert with Grasse’s statement, we are going to look at the fossil record to see whether the Biblical narrative or the theory of evolution.  Let’s revisit PP


the Florida Science Standards, specifically Standard 15.  The first Benchmark under that standard states PP: “Explain how evolution is supported by the fossil record…”

If Darwinian evolution were true, we should see transitional fossils everywhere.  As you think about it, you realize that the final form should be a miniscule minority.  The fossil layers should be replete with all kinds of transitional forms.  This Florida Standards Benchmark certainly indicates that is the case.  But Darwin recognized the problem with the fossil record in Origin of Species:  PP


“But as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?”  PP  “the case at present must remain inexplicable and may be truly argued as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

So let’s see PP

what the fossil record tells us.  We’ll start with the Cambrian Explosion.  PP 

The Cambrian Explosion, also know as biology’s Big Bang, PP


occurs in the fossil record at supposedly about 540 million years ago, give or take a few million years.  Of course, it actually occurred about 4,600 years ago, which we’ll discuss later.  In an instant geologically, 30 to 40 phyla appeared suddenly in the fossil record, fully formed without any prior transitional forms, and are virtually unchanged through that and other strata.  PP

You are familiar with some of the classic forms found in the Cambrian layer.  Here PPx3

are three of the many unusual creatures that have been recently uncovered in that layer as well with no transitional forms in the lower layers.  This is a huge problem for Darwinian evolution. Instead of gradual, increased sophistication shown through transitional fossils, the Cambrian Explosion reflects just the opposite!  So the supposed tree of life is in fact PP

a lawn!  It’s perfectly consistent with Genesis 1:24-25!  The evolutionist’s weak response was that the soft bodied creatures that lead to the Cambrian Explosion, that is the precursors to what we find in the Cambrian layer, simply weren’t preserved in the fossil record.  Unfortunately for them, soft bodied sponges have been found in the pre-Cambrian strata, falsifying that claim!  A perfectly fossilized worm has also been found as have numerous jelly fish!

Darwin predicted that more time would flesh out the fossil record and reveal the then-missing transitional forms, but that has not happened.  Paleontologists now believe the fossil record is substantially complete. 

Therefore, there are two great facts of the fossil record was must examine and memorize as an important apologetic:  PP

  New types appear abruptly in the fossil record (Abrupt Appearance) and  PP

  New types stay the same (Stasis) to the current period or until they became extinct.

Let’s briefly look at some examples of that.  But before we do, remember that, in addition to the missing transitional forms, fossil dating PP

is a huge problem for evolution.  Now let’s see how good you are at identifying these supposedly millions-of-years old fossils.  Remember that there should be numerous transitional fossils from the original form to the forms we can readily identify today.  PP











(several, ending with Hawish)  It’s very important that you remember that the fossil record demonstrates abrupt appearance and stasis, not the transitional record that evolution requires.

Steven J. Gould, a Harvard paleontologist and one of the leading proponents of Darwinian macroevolution before his death a few years ago, made this startling admission regarding the fossil record:  PP


“The extreme rarity of intermediate forms persists as the trade secret of paleontology.”  Wow, we know why Coca Cola carefully guards its trade secret formula for Coke.  I wonder why the paleontologists think this information must be guarded as a trade secret?  Perhaps there is a worldview involved here!