In the Beginning:  Science and Genesis 1-11

14 Session Version - Lakeside Community Chapel

January 23 – May 15, 2013

By Rich Akin



Class 1Introduction I Class 2Introduction II Class 3Foundational Questions
Class 4Questions, The Beginning and The Gap Theory Class 5Space/Time and Days 1-3 Class 6Days 3-4
Class 7The Big Bang Class 8Day 5, Starlight & Time, DNA Class 9 –  Information and Day 6
Class 10Genesis 5, Methuselah and Genetic Entropy

 Class 11- Genesis 7, The Flood and Language

Class 12 –  Layer Formation, Geologic Column, The Fossil Record
Class 13- Dinosaurs and Man Class 14- Five Foundational Truths Learned  

  Attributes of God (Chart)

Revelation, Speculation and Science By Dr. Greg Bahnsen

Comparison of the Bible and Evolution


Class 2  - Dr. Richard Lumsden ( with an introduction by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy), Professor and Dean of Tulane University, former Evolutionary Professor (7 minutes)
Class 2 - The Relevance of Genesis - Dr. Ken Ham (51 minutes)
Class 4 - God's Attributes - Baugh (4 minutes)
Class 5 - Radiometric Dating (9 minutes)
Class 7 - Fine Tuning of the Universe (9 minutes)
Class 8 - Starlight and Time - Dr. Russell Humphrys (21 minutes)
Class 8 - How did Life Begin (11 minutes)
Class 11 - Flood Animation(Video)  
Class 12  -Evolution:  Fact or Fiction - Geologic Layers (16 minutes)
Class 12 - The Young Age of the Earth -Geologic Column Collapsed (11 minutes)





































































Microsoft PowerPoint  (.PPT) Slides

Class #

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14  






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